Saima Says

 HELLO THERE!  welcome to Saima Says! This is saima gulati and you are reading a blog from a forever-confused 12 year old girl. this 12 year old has been trying to figure herself out during quarantine and become stronger through all the things 2020 has put her through. what you're reading is her emotions poured out. COME JOIN HER!





Nervous? Apprehensive? Yes I am!  But one of the most essential advice that my parents ever gave me would probably be that never take too much pressure for anything that you do.  A little pressure is vital so that it keeps you right on track but too much is unnecessary.  So just have faith, both in God and yourself and do it. Of course, I still have butterflies in my stomach but here I am. Writing a blog.  It seems a little weird because about 3 months ago I had minimal information about what a blog is.

 It all started when an English teacher from school, who has been teaching me since so long suggested that I start a blog of my own.  I take fun extra English classes from her and my English and writings have improved a lot since. At first, I was panic-stricken at the thought because sometimes I just don't like to share or show my talents to anyone.  After a while, I finally decided to jump in and just do it.

Now that you know how I got the opportunity to do this, I should tell you more about myself. I am in grade 7 in Cambridge International school for girls and I live in Jalandhar, Punjab, India.  I am going to turn 13 on the 12th of December this year!

I have a brother who is currently in 12th grade and I am really close to him and my parents! I love dancing, vibing to our favourite songs with my brother, reading novels, spending a jovial time with friends and family and swimming! I also wear specs and the people that surround me think that I am intelligent because I get really good grades and I am an ardent student. But I wonder.... Is getting good grades a reflection of your intelligence? Still not certain about that! I am that kind of person who loves making people laugh and having a good laugh herself. I like to believe that I am a barell of laugh and really silly. (lol)!

 Something that is implied to every person who step foot on Earth is that each of us have both negative and positive points. So here I go with my negative points.  I easily get nervous and panic a lot for everything.  I overthink a lot and that causes me to be astoundingly absent-minded and anxious sometimes. I can also be very hard on myself sometimes. I'm not easily able differentiate between someone who wants the best for me and who doesn't and that is extremely disadvantageous.  This is a tiny description about me and you will get to know more through upcoming blogs! 

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed the blog.

FuN fAcT : ThIs nAmE , Saima Says, was my brother's suggestion!

Saima Says



  1. Congrats On your first blog ❤️ It’s really good ✨

  2. Love it so much!! Keep writing :)))))))

  3. So very well penned Siama....keep writing n reading..

  4. Awesome job Saima ❤️❤️

  5. Awesome job Saima ❤️❤️

  6. Well written Saima .... keep it up

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Well done 👍 Saima

  9. Hi Saima nice blog ! (this is my blog)

    1. Hi Gunneka:) I just read your comment sorry for not noticing! Thank you<3. I checked out your blog and it's really good too!

  10. Wonderful!!!! Keep it up 👍 keep up the good work


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