It's the most wonderful time of the year!


Saima Says

HELLO THERE!  welcome to Saima Says! This is saima gulati and you are reading a blog from a forever-confused 12 year old girl. this 12 year old has been trying to figure herself out during quarantine and become stronger through all the things 2020 has put her through. what you're reading is her emotions poured out. COME JOIN HER!

Today I wanted to write something light-hearted, humorous and warming. WHAT MORE BETTER THAN DIWALI TO DO THAT?


Happy Diwali to you




It's the most wonderful time of the year! Even though by the time you are reading this, Diwali will be over but that doesn't mean that the festive vibes will have left us. Whatever this year was, Diwali was the only festival that made me feel right at home. It wasn't that all different from what it looks like every other time for me and that is something I am very glad to say.. Just because everything has been so different this year!

This festival was a chance for us to feel grateful, appreciate everything and make some more lovable memories with our loved ones. 

My family has been having a lot of Diwali parties lately, at our ''party house'' (lol) , which my dad recently got renovated. I have thoroughly cherished each one of them and it's just a feeling about this season that gives me a warm and tingly sensation which is inexplicable. When I see all the beguiling golden-coloured lights, people decorating their houses, searching for pretty Rangoli designs, shopping for Diwali.. It makes me feel so joyous immediately!

Some pictures from this whole season:


When I said humorous, I wasn't lying.

Diwali over the past few years has looked extremely INSANE.

The craziest highlights would probably be when I cut my finger in the excitement of opening a Rangoli colour packet as I drove a blunt, fresh knife straight into the packet. I had to get stitches for that and can still see the scar on my finger. Or that time when a mouse went into my pajamas while bursting crackers. I was petrified and screamed at the top of my lungs!! 


My brother didn't want to make a Rangoli this year so I decided that I would make one like I do everytime, just a little more challenging and prettier. I was having a hard time drawing it, so he offered to help me and ended up doing the whole thing! I just did a tiny bit of the ardous work. But it turned out really beautiful, thanks to my brother's artistic skills. :)

Also, I wanted to wear my traditional dress from last year. Unfortunately, none of them fit me. So I wore one of my mom's and surprisingly, it was exactly the right one for me!

In a nutshell, my day was perfect! 



FuN fAcT: i HaVe No FuN  fAcT tHiS tImE.....🤣

Saima Says


  1. Absolutely 💯
    Love reading your blogs. Keep writing and instilling our shins.

  2. Always so refreshing reading your blogs. Keep it up. Happy Diwali!!


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