Confident females are amazing!


Saima Says

Hello there! Welcome to Saima Says! This is Saima Gulati and you are reading a blog from a forever confused 13 year-old girl. What you are reading are her emotions poured out. Come join her!

Today, I want to talk about an issue in our society that people have been striving to eradicate. Inequality for women. As a girl, I feel blessed to be born in a family that treats and values women equally as men. But it keeps on striking my mind, what about those who are not?

Why, even in the 21st century, women are tied to stereotypical restrictions of the society? Is it not still obvious to people that women deserve more than being seen as an object that they can make decisions for?

I wouldn't say that there's been no improvement. A lot of change has happened; parents are educating their girl child, a few parts of society have opened their restrictions and girls have fought for their rights and become succesful in achieving a lot of them. We owe it all to the members of our society who actually realise that change is needed.

But we are so far from actual EQUALITY. We still see so many people in the society condemning women for just being themselves.
Naysayers always have a lot to say. "She's fat, she's not pretty, what can she do? she is a woman after all."

It's time we stop valuing people on the basis of their looks.There's more to females than just 'looks'. Every girl is her own person, personality and a different kind of elegance and beauty. There should be no one telling girls what to wear, what to do, how their life is supposed to be. Who gave people the right to make decisions for women anyways? I believe that not only for females, this should be something that nobody is to be troubled for.

To all the girls and women out there, I just want to let you know that you don't need to change the way you look for anyone else or just to match beauty standards put upon you by the society.  Just be yourself and shine. Do what your heart tells you, no need for anyone's approval. Fly high, as that is where you are meant to be! Follow your dreams and ambitions without thinking for a second what everyone else will say. You are beyond ravishing,strong,fierce and smart because your beauty shines from within!


    Always think about what genuinely makes you 'beautiful'. The answer would vary from person to person but I think at the end it shouldn't just be narrowed down to how you look. It should be more about your unique and special personality. How no one can be exactly like you.

In my opinion, confident females are the prettiest!
Your voice truly matters and you deserve respect:)

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fun fact: I love eating ice (that sounds really weird, but it is true)

Saima Says


  1. This is so true! I love your energy that you portray through your writing! You are making and are going to continue to make a big impact on this world, I can tell!
    Check out my blog here:

    1. Thank you so much! You're so sweet<3
      Will surely check out your blog!

    2. Your welcome! 🤍 And thank you, I really appreciate it!


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