Hey 2021:)


 Saima Says


Hello There!  welcome to Saima Says! This is Saima Gulati and you are reading a blog from a forever-confused 13 year old girl. This 13 year old has been trying to figure herself out during quarantine and become stronger through all the things 2020 has put her through. What you're reading is her emotions poured out. Come join her!

HEY 2021 !!


Oh my god! It's already 2021? Is it just me or this year lasted for both 10000 years and 10 seconds at the same time? It was too long but at the same time too short? I really don't know. I'm flabbergasted. ( AS USUAL ) . 

I want to start by saying that even though 2020 was tragic, depressing and sorrowful for so many of us, it has taught me a lot of things which I see to be so vital now. From all of these things, the most imporant one would be learning to be grateful. I heard it all the time from my family but never really knew what it meant. But being in midst of a global pandemic really put things into perspective. Of course it took time, but it did after all.

So stop reading this blog right here, HUG YOURSELF because you survived 2020 and then come back to read.

Done? Great Job.

Today I wanted to come out here and say THANK YOU to all the people that I love with all my heart, the ones who always make it possible for me to feel happy.

To my Mom and Dad :

Thank you for knowing what I'm thinking everytime even if I don't speak anything, for making me laugh so hard, for being my true best friends and just for everything that you do. 

To my grandparents :

Thank you for sharing the best advice, stories and for always giving us endless love. 

To my brother :

Thank you for being the best brother ever, someone I can always vibe with, do the craziest dances and singing with, being stupid and just myself with. I'm so blessed because I have someone to laugh hysterically like this with.  ( and also happy birthday bro! you're legal now<3 )

I love my family the most so I'm shorting for words here.

To my friends :

You know what guys? Thank you for just being you! School would not be 'SCHOOL' without you. No matter the endless fights for the most foolish reasons, you always end up sticking around. Here's to more memories! 


To a friend who became my sister

Aanya, from kitties to get togethers; Hong Kong's rollercoasters to Kerala's bike rides; you are my absolute favourite and will always be. I wish to call you the name that you loathe but I'm sparing you this time. (lol). No thank you for everything! 

Love you all<3

These people are my lifelines.

Oh and I almost forgot.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2021, please BE FAIR!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this blog. If you did, click on the three-lined button on my page and follow. Do let me know what you felt OBLIGED about this year in the comments. 

FuN fAcT: I was in Mussoorie for the Christmas weekend and I had a whale of a time with my cousins and family:) Three of the pictures in the thumbnail are from there in fact!

Saima Says


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